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About StudyNordic

Study-Nordic Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. is a research driven organisation aiming to collaborate with Finnish Universities by offering services for outreach and recruitment initiatives in India.

We are a professional organization providing consultancy on overseas education to students, who aspire to study abroad in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We are working towards direct and exclusive affiliations with select universities across Finland to offer Indian students a specific range of options to choose from.

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Land area: 338,455 km/ Population:5.5 million

Approx 78% area covered by forests and nearly 10% is covered by lakes and rivers

Safest place in the world (World Economic Forum 2018)

Happiest country in the world due to sustainable development solutions network (World Happiness Report 2018)

World’s cleanest air (World Health Organisation 2018)

One of the most advanced healthcare system in the EU.

Most literate country in the world

Most stable country in the world

Second best country to be a girl in the world

Third most personal freedom and choice in the world

Third most gender equal country in the world

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